How do you envision the future of Shoppable Content? Is it “the next revolution in advertising?” We recently got our hands on the February 2022 issue of German print magazine brand eins, where our Co-Founder Leander was featured. Find a sneak peek translation of Leander’s comments about the topic below or get the full copy.
Look, click, buy. What has been working on YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram for years and has brought influencers for cosmetics, cooking utensils, fashion, and tools huge sales worldwide is soon to become a reality on TV. The technical prerequisites are available in more and more households. On streaming platforms such as Netflix, Disney+, or Amazon Prime Video, viewers can interrupt movies at any time to buy something. The same applies to the offerings in media libraries. And with Internet TV providers such as Magenta TV, Joyn, or Zattoo, interactive TV is also possible on large smart TV screens in the living room. The buy button has moved to the remote control. The next advertising revolution?
At marketing conventions, data-driven teleshopping is currently being hailed as the next big thing. Berlin media entrepreneur Leander Carell dampens these expectations. He was once a film producer and earned an Oscar nomination ten years ago with the Holocaust drama "In Darkness." Meanwhile, Carell and his company Nowtilus are trying to establish personalized advertising on television and streaming services. "How many viewers," he asks, "really spontaneously buy a watch, a dress, or a cell phone because it's on "Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten" at the moment? Experience from 20 years of online advertising has shown: Advertising aimed at quick sales works where people are prepared for it, for example, in classic teleshopping. When people watch sales shows, they do so consciously. And they're generally willing to pull out the credit card.
With movies, series, or classic TV shows, on the other hand, there is a conflict of interest between watching and shopping. Either the program is exciting - in which case most people don't feel like interrupting it to look at some product. Or the program is boring, in which case they switch off.
Leander Carell, therefore, suspects that shoppable content will remain a niche - as an offering in a mix of classic TV advertising and increasingly individually played out spots. In his view, this is how advertising will work in the future: In the "Sportschau" and other shows with large audiences, the big brands will still do something for their awareness and image with TV spots. Meanwhile, smart TVs are collecting more and more viewer data in order to play out customized advertising and then increase the frequency of advertising for certain products. This is where watching and shopping could come into play, but not as a self-selected interruption to a series, but rather in classic commercial breaks true to Carell's insight: "Users click on ads when they're relevant."